Friday, March 11, 2011

*UPDATE* East Tennessee 'Crete

Well, like I said, the Kingsport homies are down to build some DIY shit when they're not felching out at the skate church. They came by and hand stacked the bowl today and just about finished up when they started arguing about who was gonna "give it" and who was gonna "get it" during their next week-long homosexual orgy. Damn! Every time we're about to finish this bowl up these dudes run off and terrorize the local rodent population...

I'd ask everyone to send money to support the local DIY project but I know damn well it'll just get blown on leopard print g-strings for the Kingsport crew. In fact, we would have shot 'creted the damn thing but the hose didn't make it past the fence before six or seven dudes stumbled over one another trying to inhale the concrete out of the fucker. Here's a picture (not another "shot" thank God) of what got done besides Paco, Chuy and Esteban.

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