Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Anyone who has looked at the drivel I post here knows that we've actually had one worthwhile cause amid our otherwise pointless content. That is, we've tried to convince the choir that it's important to save Caleb's bowl by building a roof over it. I didn't make it down to Caleb's last weekend for the epic bowl bashery, but I understand they raised a good amount of the money necessary to build the aforementioned roof over the bowl and thus save it from the Appalachian winter. Or is Shelby in the Piedmont? I don't know. All I know is it gets cold and wet there so every dime raised will obviously really come in handy over the coming years, hopefully, of the bowl's existence. Which is a good thing because it may be that long before I get out of the office again; This blog shit is killing me! Gathering information, fact checking, interviews, research... geez! Anyway, if you haven't been to Caleb's and thus don't know what you're missing, or if you just wish you could skate really fast, I've posted a good snippet of the bowl which was sent in to me by Rico:

The crew down at Caleb's is pretty gnarly, bro. For instance, this one guy showed up in pads and they wouldn't let him skate until he did a stationary boneless drop (they even tried to confuse him with the name of what he was supposed to do) off the five-foot extension in the deep end.... phew! Burly. Don't believe me? Check out the video proof below!


Some other dudes showed up without donations (no!) and they all had to do said boneless type drop thing without pads! Oh, those radical skate rebels! What daredevil antics will they think of next to demonstrate their utter contempt for mankind's foolish laws? 

Anyway, glad to hear the bowl party was a success. If I get down there soon I'll post up more pics.

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