Monday, April 18, 2011

Seriously, Folks

Is skating really any different now than it was ten, twenty, even thirty years ago? For the most part I really don't think so. Sure, there are a lot more people doing it now, and whatever limitations existed in the olden days have all been destroyed. Not to mention that it seems you (or I should say, somebody) can make a lot more money off it now. God knows people have been trying to do that for a long time, too. Occasionally, though, it's nice to be reminded that there is actual skateboarding going on around me, because the essence of that never really changes. Or so I've heard. People sometimes prove it when they send me pictures and video and the like.

Backyard ramp. Dudes ripping. Come skate. Show up and you're in. If not, maybe next time. Timeless skating in this clip. But wait a minute. Maybe there is something that's changed a bit over the years. Seems like nowadays people can take this whole skateboarding thing pretty seriously. A little too seriously perhaps. People have their whole sense of identity wrapped up in it. Tossed boards, bad vibes, bowed up brawls and broken windshields are as common as griptape, wheels, and trucks among us older, more "mature" types. Is it really that important? I mean c'mon... it's a toy for chrissakes.

If you're expecting me to moralize here by saying "Grow up! Get serious folks!" I'm sorry. Far from it: Skating exists to ensure one thing, that we never grow up. So, I advocate acting as immaturely as you feel like. If that's not a priority in your skating life, what is, after all? Anyway, thanks to our crack reporter Renaldo for the short clip... See! We do cover skating here at the Coiler on occasion.

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