Monday, April 11, 2011

Bowl Build Squelched

Anyone who reads internet blogs was bound to see it coming. I mean, I'm sure half of our followers are like, "Alright, where is it? Where's the obligatory 'My neighbor's a dick' entry." Indeed. A recent survey shows that fully half the content on internet blogs should in fact be categorized under the heading: My neighbor's a dick. But there is a key difference that separates the following such entry from those found in other blogs: My neighbor! He really is a dick and he hates skating... I mean, just check out this pic I snapped of the dude!

My neighbor
See what I mean? So anyway, the dude caught wind that me and the crew were going to pour some renegade crete in the alley behind his house and got full-on pissed about it. Being the dick he is, he fucking stomped it out.

The bastard! Fortunately, I took a pic of the templates and backfill before fucking Hulkster showed up. Anyone who wants to use it as a reference to start rebuilding the quarter is welcome to it (maybe Estéban and the Wallride Side locs?). Just be warned that the dudes who got started on this before I got there totally fucked things up... I guess I need to specialize in fucking Do It Myself, since no one seems to be able to follow orders!

As for me, no way I'm fucking around in dude's alley anymore. That roided-up ass bitch literally ate my skateboard last time he chased me out of there, and I don't have the funds to keep replacing shit like this. God knows my board sponsor over at FBM Skates ain't hooking shit up (plus that guy's generally just a cocksucker). So if anyone throws down and gets this site going again, cool. But in the meantime, consider this another Tri-Cities DIY spot squelched.

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