Friday, April 8, 2011

Anger Management

First off, the usual apologies for being lame and not posting regularly. However, it should be pointed out that when I started this nonsense I swore not to rely on my usual m.o. That is, I decided that this dumbass blog, if nothing else, would be about the things I actually like about skating, thus saving any audience members who may wander across these posts from encountering my usual seething, raving, fuming, violent, vulgar diatribe against the things I don't like about it. So, as part of my "anger management" regimen this week--which happens to be a week at work every year where I want to kill a lot of people--I'm just not posting anything.

Hopefully this shot of a rare, vintage--nay, priceless--board, whose graphic also summarizes my Little Engine that Could approach to this week quite nicely, will get everyone through the weekend. It's about all I can muster right now.

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