Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Sometimes you just get lucky. But, as they say, you also gotta make luck happen sometimes, too. After dodging a freaking tornado on Saturday and having my plans to actually go skate once again foiled by being stupid enough to pay attention to the weather forecast (which was actually a lot worse than they thought it would be), I decided to say "fuck it" on Sunday and head south to skate with some locs. This despite the fact that the weather was supposed to be nice. IE, it was surely going to rain. It did. But the crew had it all taken care of and this is what they came up with:

Sick, right? I for one was pretty stunned that the thing was built over a decade ago. It's got a lot going for it conceptually: mellow but fast as you want it be. Good idea. Moreover, the people who live there were super cool and hooked us up sight unseen. The entire compound was littered with incredible artwork, and the bowl rates pretty highly in that category as well. We had a fun three-man session and called it a day. Thanks to everyone involved and--for once--I didn't get chased by the Hulkster or have rocks thrown at me by the Wallride Side crew. But I'm most proud of the fact that we screwed, which has had most of us on lock since about November.... Not to mention that the last time I tuned in to their TV equivalent they were trying to convince me that they had a bunch of "scientists" (meaning veterinarians and coal industry engineers) claiming there's no global warming and shit. I don't mean to get all political and shit, but give me a fucking break. Anyway, hope to get back down here sometime soon... Wait a minute... is that a covered bowl pictured there? Hmmmmm.

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