Saturday, October 1, 2011

Coiled Again

If you ask people what trick they would do if they were only physically able to do just one, "frontside grinds" is almost always the answer. Sometimes it's frontside airs, and I suspect that a lot of people couldn't give up being able to crack an ollie anywhere... though I've yet to meet a well-rounded skateboarder who rates ollies above frontside grinds. No one ever says backside grinds, which really aren't even considered a trick unless you smith one out, but I bet backside airs make several peoples' short lists. All told, nothing seems to rank up there with the frontside grind... in fact, I've heard a lot of people say things like: "I would definitely still skate if I could only do frontside grinds." That's a lot of respect for something considered "basic" when it comes down to it.

The fact is, like everything in skating, "basic" is a completely relative assessment, especially since fronstside grinds can be done in so many ways and in so many different places by people of all skill levels. The "travelability" of the frontside grind ensures that it captures everyone's attention pretty much anywhere. You can frontside grind everything from a curb on flat ground to (theoretically) the edge of a capsule while carving upside down, which I saw this guy almost do at Lincoln City II (I always wondered if that ever went down) and just about everything in between.  When you can nollie kickflip nose-grind 900 all those things, let me know... I've got a shop deck with my name on it for you that'll only cost you $30: you're sponsored! Until then, gimme frontside grinds, ro-ros and backside airs, and I'll still be skating in another twenty years no matter where I happen to be.

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