Well, as you all know, the web site has been seized by the feds and I'm currently behind bars. So let's get to the point. I need a stack of pornos and a cheese grater like a mutha fucka. Don't ask questions, just send that and/or some money to the following address pronto:
Attn: Cellmate 206#B
Homeland Security Headquarters
Cell 101
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 70672-1106
Cellmate 206#B |
If anyone's wondering what I'm up to in here... basically skating. Trying to update the Coiler and shit when I can. Writing poetry... plotting downfall of Western Civilization.
Oh bitch pig whom
my ass betrayed,
Mutha FUCK Homeland
You swiped my site
and fucked up my shit,
But my chainsaw
you did not git.
I used it to,
hack out my cell
then make your face
a living hell.
Your police state,
it don't mean shit
And can't stop my love
of the butt clit
Needs work. Send money.
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