Let me be the first to tell you, I'm a big Tony Alva fan. I grew up in New Mexico, for god's sake. If you don't know, there's some old school ass connected shit there. But I don't believe for a minute that Tony Alva did the first frontside air in a pool, nor do I give a god damn mother fuck who did. That type of "origin myth" pseudo-history can have only one agenda, which is obviously to profit off something that I hold dear. I don't like people who try to do that, and that's why I don't like many magazine or industry types. I mean, what other motivation could someone possibly have to make that type of claim, either about one's own self or someone else?
The official story of skating cultivated by the industry claims to be the history when it is really a history. Anyone who's been around skating knows damn well that there were people who lived pretty much everywhere (insert your town here) who were doing the same assed shit as the "magazine" guys but who weren't looking to make a buck off it and thus didn't make the official story. The magazine version was a gimmick used to sell product and now it's pushing the retro and collectors markets. Where did it all start? Who did what first? All of this inane slop can tell us what? Who's owed what, I'd guess. But skateboarding doesn't owe anybody shit.
Not to mention that I'm not naive enough to think I can write some bullshit and change skateboarding history. Are you concerned about where skating's headed? Not quite sure things are meshing with skating's "history?" Simple: Go find something, go build something, and go skate something. No matter how much respect you claim to have for skateboarding's alleged past, skating's about what you're doing right now. If you claim to be a skateboarder, there's only one historical question of any real importance anyway. That is, "did you skate today?" If so, then, and only then, you can say you're part of the real story. Just don't be so obnoxious as to claim that you were the first, or the most innovative, or the only one doing it. Or worse, that you were the only one doing it right. On the other hand, if you do, don't expect me to buy it.